Monthly Archives: October 2014

Power to Imagine


We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better • J. K. Rowling

power to imagine

Ability to imagine is one of the most essential qualities a human being can have. As children we were able to imagine the most incredible things. We acted on our imagination and improvised immersing our young souls in magic. As grown ups we often lack that creative imagination that gave us wings  only a few decades earlier.

We may still remember how carefree we were when we were young, but do not allow ourselves the same freedom when we grow up partly because the life took the magic away, partly because we were trained to leave it behind.

As “responsible” grown ups many of us lead unfulfilled lives. The quiet agreement between us ant the “social norm” is a quiet compromise that we come to regret when other things in our lives go wrong. The so called midlife crisis is often the turning point. We break all rules and look for the remains of what we once were. We try to re-create ourselves and all we really need is the power to imagine. Power to imagine that we can be truly happy and that it is never too late to have a meaningful and fulfilled life.

By Dominique Allmon

Dominique Allmon©2014